9505 Petersburg Road Evansville, IN • 812.867.5735 • FAX • 812.401.6100

God's Kids Pre-School Curriculum

We have selected the WEE Learn Curriculum for God’s Kids Preschool.

The Wee Learn Curriculum helps children develop foundational skills that are appropriate to, but also challenging to their age group. In addition to this curriculum we incorporate a variety of age appropriate experiences to meet or exceed the Indiana Early Learning Standards. For more information on Indiana Early Learning Standards go to: http://www.doe.in.gov/earlylearning You may also come to the pre-school office for a list of the Early Learning Standards and to look at a copy the “Indiana Standards Guideline” Book.

The Wee Learn curriculum provides systematic learning opportunities in language and early literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, physical development, and personal and social development. The curriculum is relevant to children’s everyday experiences and highlights the importance of the family’s role in linking a child’s early experiences to the world around them.


WEE Learn’s Philosophy

Framed by theory and philosophy of life. Led by faith and grounded in evidence-based practices, preschools using the WEE Learn philosophy and curriculum work to support children and families. Children’s individual differences and learning styles are considered as they learn through play and interactions with supportive early childhood teachers to maximize each child’s learning potential. This thoughtful and planned curriculum has a multiple theoretical basis. By blending what is known from Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, Piaget’s theory of development, Erikson’s stages of development and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, God’s Kids early childhood teachers prepare developmentally appropriate learning experiences for our young students.


Child Development

The early years are an important period of development. During these early years, children learn best through active, engaged, meaningful experiences. Through these experiences, young children construct their own knowledge by interacting with their environments and others. Researchers and educators agree that quality early care and education provides an invaluable foundation for later school and work success.


School Readiness

School readiness is a multidimensional concept which includes cognitive accomplishments such as knowledge of numbers and alphabet, social-emotional abilities, approaches to learning (i.e., curiosity), and communication skills, as well as motor development and physical health. Ongoing research continues to confirm the need to think about children’s readiness for school as multi-faceted.


Contact Information

Program Director: Terri Schuetter
Phone: 812-867-5735
Fax: 812-401-6100
Email: terri@mccutchanvillecc.org